List of links to support services


Hon Steven Miles MP - Premier of Qld - 3719 7000

Councillor Charles Strunk - Forest Lake Ward - 3407 1211  

Dept. of Housing - General inquiries - The Department delivers a range of housing, building and procurement services - 13 74 68

Hon Milton Dick MP - Federal member for Oxley - 3879 6440  

Centrelink - Centrelink is part of the Department of Human Services. Centrelink deliver social security payments and services to Australians 

Department of child safety, seniors & disabiity services the Queensland Government's lead agency for child safety and adoption services - 137 468

Micah Projects - Micah projects is a not-for-profit organisation committed to providing services and opportunities in the community to create justice and respond to injustice - 3036 4444

Brisbane City Council - Brisbane City Council works with the community to guide our city's future growth and development - 3403 8888  

HUB Community Legal Service - HUB Community Legal Centre is a not-for-profit organisation managed by volunteers in our community - 3372 7677

Hart4000 - an assessment and referral team that works closely with anyone who may be homeless or at risk of becoming homeless in Brisbane - 3004 0100

HPIQ  Homeless persons hotline -Homeless Hotline is a phone information and referral service for people who are experiencing homelessness or are at risk of homelessness - 1800 474 753

Home in Place - one of Australia’s largest non-government social housing providers with over 35 years experience in providing secure and affordable housing - 1300 333 733

Brisbane housing company - BHC is a leading provider of affordable housing with a demonstrated ability to deliver innovative provision of social and affordable housing - 3307 3000

National Rent Affordability Scheme NRAS - 137468

GIVIT - GIVIT is a national not-for-profit connecting those who have with those who need, in a private and safe way. 

My community directory - My community directory is the premier source of connection between Government, community organisations, and the public

St Vincent de Paul - Assists people in need - 1800 846 643

Salvation Army - The Salvation Army is a Christian movement dedicated to sharing the love of Jesus - 137258